Linear Transformations
Simple Linear Layer
In neural networks, linear transformations are represented as: $y = Wx + b$. Here, $W$ is a weight matrix, $x$ is the input, and $b$ is the bias vector.
In PHP it can be written as a class LinearTransformation
with implementation of linear transformation operations.
Example of use
// Example usage:
$weightMatrix = [[2, -1], [1, 3]]; // Weight matrix W
$inputVector = [1, 2]; // Input vector x
$bias = [1, 0]; // Bias vector b
$linearTransform = new LinearTransformation($weightMatrix);
$resultVector = $linearTransform->linearLayer($inputVector, $bias);
echo "Output after Linear Layer: [<span id='output-vector'>" . implode(", ", $resultVector) . "</span>]";
Memory: 0.002 Mb
Time running: < 0.001 sec.
Output after Linear Layer: [1, 7]