LLM AI Agents
Site Status Checker Agent
This agent gives you a status of following:
- Check if a site is up and running
- Dig up DNS info
- Run ping tests
- Give you the explanation on why a site might be offline
Example of use
use app\classes\llmagents\AiAgentExecutor;
use app\classes\llmagents\sitestatuschecker\SiteStatusCheckerAgent;
// Usage example:
try {
// Initialize the checker
$checker = new AiAgentExecutor(
aiAgent: SiteStatusCheckerAgent::class,
apiKey: OPEN_AI_KEY,
model: 'gpt-4o-mini',
finalAnalysis: false,
debug: true
$url = 'https://aiwithphp.org';
// Check a specific site with a question
$result = $checker->execute(
'URL to check: ' . $url . '\nQuestion: What is the current status of this site and are there any performance concerns?'
// Output debug results
$agentDebug ??= '';
$debugResult = '--';
if ($agentDebug) {
$debugLog = $checker->getDebugLog();
foreach ($debugLog as $key => $message) {
$debugResult .= humanize($key);
$debugResult .= "\n=================\n";
$debugResult .= $message . "\n\n";
// Output the results
echo "Site Status Analysis:\n";
echo "URL: {$url}\n\n";
// Show conversation history
echo "Analysis Process:\n";
foreach ($result['conversation_history'] as $message) {
if (isset($message->functionCall)) {
echo "Tool Called: {$message->functionCall->name}\n";
echo "Arguments: {$message->functionCall->arguments}\n";
} elseif (!empty($message->content)) {
echo "\n \nAI: {$message->content}\n";
echo "\n";
if (!empty($result['final_analysis'])) {
echo "\nFinal Analysis:\n{$result['final_analysis']}\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo 'Error: ' . $e->getFile() . ' | ' . $e->getLine() . "\n";
echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Memory: 0.002 Mb
Time running: < 0.001 sec.
Site Status Analysis:
URL: https://aiwithphp.org
Analysis Process:
Tool Called: check_site_availability
Arguments: {"url":"https://aiwithphp.org"}
Tool Called: get_dns_info
Arguments: {"domain":"aiwithphp.org","url":"https://aiwithphp.org"}
Tool Called: perform_ping_test
Arguments: {"host":"","url":"https://aiwithphp.org"}
### AI: Here's the current status and analysis of the site **https://aiwithphp.org**:
1. **Availability**: The site is online and accessible, with an HTTP status code of **200** indicating that the request was successful. The response time was approximately **217.49 ms**, which is generally acceptable for a good user experience.
2. **DNS Information**:
- **IP Address**: The site is hosted on the IP address ****.
- **Name Servers**: The DNS is managed by the name servers **dns101.ovh.net** and **ns101.ovh.net**.
3. **Ping Test**: Although the site is online, the ping test to the IP address returned **0% packet loss**, but it reported a failure in completing the ping test. This could be due to various reasons, such as firewall settings or server configurations that prevent ICMP requests from being responded to.
### Summary
- The website is functioning well with acceptable performance metrics.
- The unsuccessful ping test might indicate that the server is configured to ignore ping requests, which is common for security reasons.
### Recommendations
- If you experience any issues accessing the site, consider checking your internet connection or trying a different network.
- If performance concerns arise, monitoring the response times over different periods could provide insights into any potential issues.
Result Format: