Linear Transformations
ReLU Activation
Linear transformations alone cannot solve complex, nonlinear problems.
Activation functions like ReLU or Sigmoid introduce nonlinearity to the network.
The ReLU function is defined as: $ReLU(x) = max(0, x)$.
Example of use
// Example usage:
$weightMatrix = [[-1, 2], [1, -2]]; // Weight matrix W
$inputVector = [5, 3]; // Input vector x
$bias = [-10, 2]; // Bias vector b
// Example usage with values that will produce both positive and negative results
$transform = new LinearTransformation($weightMatrix);
// Apply linear transformation with bias
$linearResult = $transform->linearLayer($inputVector, $bias);
// Apply ReLU activation
$activated = $transform->relu($linearResult);
echo "Original values: [<span id='output-vector'>" . implode(", ", $linearResult) . "</span>]\n";
echo "ReLU Output: [<span id='relu-vector'>" . implode(", ", $activated) . "</span>]";
Memory: 0.002 Mb
Time running: < 0.001 sec.
Original values: [-9, 1]
ReLU Output: [0, 1]