Matrix Operations with Rubix
Rubix ML provides convenient tools for working with matrices, making it an excellent choice for data processing in machine learning with PHP. The library includes classes for creating, manipulating, and performing operations on matrices, such as transposition, multiplication, normalization, and decomposition. By using the Matrix class from Rubix ML, developers can efficiently handle numerical data, preprocess it before training models, and execute complex mathematical computations without writing low-level code.
Example of use:
// Import the Matrix class from Tensor library
use Tensor\Matrix;
use Tensor\Vector;
use Tensor\ColumnVector;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Creating Matrices
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== CREATING MATRICES\n--------------------------------------\n";
// Create a matrix from a 2D array
$data = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
$matrixA = Matrix::quick($data);
displayMatrix($matrixA, "Matrix A (created from array)");
// Create special matrices
$identity = Matrix::identity(3);
displayMatrix($identity, "3x3 Identity Matrix");
$zeros = Matrix::zeros(2, 3);
displayMatrix($zeros, "2x3 Zero Matrix");
$ones = Matrix::ones(2, 2);
displayMatrix($ones, "2x2 Ones Matrix");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. Matrix Properties
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== MATRIX PROPERTIES\n--------------------------------------\n";
echo "Matrix A dimensions: " . $matrixA->m() . " rows x " . $matrixA->n() . " columns\n";
echo "Matrix A shape: [" . $matrixA->shape()[0] . ", " . $matrixA->shape()[1] . "]\n";
echo "Matrix A size (total elements): " . $matrixA->size() . "\n";
echo "Is Matrix A square? " . ($matrixA->isSquare() ? 'Yes' : 'No') . "\n\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. Accessing Matrix Elements
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== ACCESSING MATRIX ELEMENTS\n--------------------------------------\n";
// Get a single element using array access
$array = $matrixA->asArray();
echo "Element at row 1, column 2: " . $array[1][2] . "\n\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. Basic Matrix Operations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== BASIC MATRIX OPERATIONS\n--------------------------------------\n";
$matrixB = Matrix::quick([
[9, 8, 7],
[6, 5, 4],
[3, 2, 1],
displayMatrix($matrixB, "Matrix B");
// Matrix addition
$sum = $matrixA->add($matrixB);
displayMatrix($sum, "A + B");
// Matrix subtraction
$difference = $matrixA->subtract($matrixB);
displayMatrix($difference, "A - B");
// Matrix multiplication
$product = $matrixA->matmul($matrixB);
displayMatrix($product, "A * B (matrix multiplication)");
// Element-wise multiplication
$hadamard = $matrixA->multiply($matrixB);
displayMatrix($hadamard, "A ∘ B (element-wise multiplication)");
// Element-wise division
$division = $matrixA->divide($matrixB);
displayMatrix($division, "A / B (element-wise division)");
// Scalar addition
$scalarAdd = $matrixA->add(5);
displayMatrix($scalarAdd, "A + 5");
// Scalar multiplication
$scalarMul = $matrixA->multiply(2);
displayMatrix($scalarMul, "A * 2");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 5. Matrix Transformations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== MATRIX TRANSFORMATIONS\n--------------------------------------\n";
// Transpose
$transpose = $matrixA->transpose();
displayMatrix($transpose, "Transpose of A");
// Matrix inverse (for a well-conditioned matrix)
$invertibleMatrix = Matrix::quick([
[4, 7],
[2, 6]
displayMatrix($invertibleMatrix, "Invertible Matrix");
try {
$inverse = $invertibleMatrix->inverse();
displayMatrix($inverse, "Inverse Matrix");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Matrix inversion failed: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
// Absolute value (element-wise)
$absolute = $matrixA->abs();
displayMatrix($absolute, "Absolute value of A");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6. Matrix Reductions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== MATRIX REDUCTIONS\n--------------------------------------\n";
// Sum of all elements
echo "Sum of all elements in A: " . displayColumnVector($matrixA->sum());
// Product of all elements
echo "Product of all elements in A: " . displayColumnVector($matrixA->product());
// Minimum value
echo "Minimum value in A: " . displayColumnVector($matrixA->min());
// Maximum value
echo "Maximum value in A: " . displayColumnVector($matrixA->max());
// Mean of all elements
echo "Mean of all elements in A: " . displayColumnVector($matrixA->mean());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 7. Row and Column Operations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== ROW AND COLUMN OPERATIONS\n--------------------------------------\n";
// Safe row sums
try {
// Attempt to get row sums as a vector
$rowSums = $matrixA->sum(1); // Axis 1 for rows
displayVector($rowSums, "Row sums");
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Manual calculation if method fails
echo "Row sums (calculated manually):\n";
$array = $matrixA->asArray();
foreach ($array as $i => $row) {
echo "Row $i: " . array_sum($row) . "\n";
echo "\n";
// Safe column sums
try {
// Attempt to get column sums as a vector
$colSums = $matrixA->sum(0); // Axis 0 for columns
displayVector($colSums, "Column sums");
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Manual calculation if method fails
echo "Column sums (calculated manually): [";
$array = $matrixA->asArray();
for ($j = 0; $j < $matrixA->n(); $j++) {
$sum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $matrixA->m(); $i++) {
$sum += $array[$i][$j];
echo sprintf("%.0f", $sum);
if ($j < $matrixA->n() - 1) {
echo ", ";
echo "]\n\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 8. Determinant and Trace
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "=== DETERMINANT AND TRACE\n--------------------------------------\n";
// Determinant
try {
$det = $matrixA->det();
echo "Determinant of A: " . $det . "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Could not calculate determinant: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// Trace - calculated manually
// Extract diagonal elements manually - avoid using potentially problematic methods
echo "Diagonal elements of A (calculated manually): [";
$array = $matrixA->asArray();
$min = min($matrixA->m(), $matrixA->n());
for ($i = 0; $i < $min; $i++) {
echo sprintf("%.0f", $array[$i][$i]);
if ($i < $min - 1) {
echo ", ";
echo "]\n\n";
// If you need to create a diagonal matrix from array:
// This is what diagonal() actually does in Tensor - it creates a new diagonal matrix
try {
$diagonalElements = [1, 2, 3];
$diagonalMatrix = Matrix::diagonal($diagonalElements);
echo "Diagonal matrix created from [1, 2, 3]:\n";
$arrayDiag = $diagonalMatrix->asArray();
foreach ($arrayDiag as $row) {
echo "[";
$firstCol = true;
foreach ($row as $value) {
if (!$firstCol) echo ", ";
echo sprintf("%.0f", $value);
$firstCol = false;
echo "]\n";
echo "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Could not create diagonal matrix: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
* Safely convert any Tensor object to string
* This function checks the object type and handles it appropriately
* @param mixed $object Any object or value to safely convert
* @return string String representation of the object
function tensorToString($object) {
// If it's already a string, return it
if (is_string($object)) {
return $object;
// If it's a scalar value, convert directly
if (is_scalar($object)) {
return (string)$object;
// If it's an array, process it
if (is_array($object)) {
$result = "[";
$first = true;
foreach ($object as $item) {
if (!$first) $result .= ", ";
$result .= tensorToString($item);
$first = false;
$result .= "]";
return $result;
// Handle Tensor Matrix
if ($object instanceof Matrix) {
$rows = $object->asArray();
$result = "";
foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
if ($i > 0) $result .= "\n";
$result .= "[";
$first = true;
foreach ($row as $value) {
if (!$first) $result .= ", ";
$result .= sprintf("%.0f", $value);
$first = false;
$result .= "]";
return $result;
// Handle Tensor Vector
if ($object instanceof Vector) {
$values = $object->asArray();
$result = "[";
$first = true;
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (!$first) $result .= ", ";
$result .= sprintf("%.0f", $value);
$first = false;
$result .= "]";
return $result;
// Handle Tensor ColumnVector
if ($object instanceof ColumnVector) {
$values = $object->asArray();
$result = "[";
$first = true;
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (!$first) $result .= ", ";
// Handle nested arrays that might come from column vectors
if (is_array($value) && count($value) == 1) {
$result .= sprintf("%.0f", $value[0]);
} else {
$result .= sprintf("%.0f", $value);
$first = false;
$result .= "]";
return $result;
// For any other object, return the class name to avoid string conversion errors
if (is_object($object)) {
return "Object of class " . get_class($object);
// Default fallback
return "Unknown type";
* Display a matrix with a title
function displayMatrix($matrix, $title) {
echo "$title:\n" . tensorToString($matrix) . "\n\n";
* Display a vector with a title
function displayVector($vector, $title) {
echo "$title: " . tensorToString($vector) . "\n\n";
function displayColumnVector($vector) {
return tensorToString($vector) . "\n\n";