Informed (Heuristic) Search

A* Graph Search

A* Graph Search is an enhancement of the A* Tree Search algorithm, designed to optimize its efficiency by addressing a key limitation: the re-exploration of nodes. In tree search, the same node can be expanded multiple times across different branches, wasting time and computational resources.

A* Graph Search mitigates this issue by introducing a critical rule: a node is not expanded more than once. This improvement allows the algorithm to explore paths more efficiently while retaining the benefits of A*’s heuristic-based approach.


use app\classes\search\InformedSearchGraph;

// Create the graph and add vertices with their levels
$graph = new InformedSearchGraph();

// Add vertices with their levels and heuristic values
$graph->addVertex('S'07);  // Start node
$graph->addVertex('G1'40); // First G node (from C)
$graph->addVertex('G2'30); // Second G node (from E)
$graph->addVertex('G'40); // Third G node (from E)

// Add edges with their costs
$graph->addEdge('C''G1'4); // Path to first G
$graph->addEdge('E''G2'3); // Path to second G
$graph->addEdge('E''G'3); // Path to third G (the one highlighted in orange)

// Find path using A* Group search to G3 (the highlighted goal node)
echo "Performing A* Group Search from S to G:\n";

$searchResult $graph->aStarGroupSearch('S''G');
if (
$searchResult !== null) {
} else {
"No path found!\n";


Starting A* Graph traversal...
Result: Memory: 0.179 Mb Time running: 0.002 sec.
Performing A* Group Search from S to G:

Node: S (Level 0, h=7.0)
Edge cost from S to D: 2.0
Node: D (Level 1, h=5.0)
Edge cost from D to B: 1.0
Node: B (Level 2, h=4.0)
Edge cost from B to E: 1.0
Node: E (Level 2, h=3.0)
Edge cost from E to G: 3.0
Node: G (Level 4, h=0.0)

Total path cost: 7.0