Informed (Heuristic) Search
A* Tree Search
A* Tree Search, commonly referred to as A* Search, is a widely used pathfinding and graph traversal algorithm. It builds on the strengths of
uniform-cost search and greedy search, offering a robust mechanism for finding the most cost-effective path from a starting node to a goal
A* uses a heuristic function, $f(x) = g(x) + h(x)$, where is the cumulative cost to reach the current node, and is an estimated cost to reach the goal from the
current node. This balance between actual cost and estimated cost makes A* one of the most efficient search algorithms in many applications,
including game development, robotics, and network optimization.
Example of class InformedSearchGraph
(with A* Tree search):
namespace app\classes\search;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class InformedSearchGraph {
private array $adjacencyList;
private array $vertexLabels;
private array $levels;
private array $heuristics;
private array $edgeCosts;
public function __construct() {
$this->adjacencyList = [];
$this->vertexLabels = [];
$this->levels = [];
$this->heuristics = [];
$this->edgeCosts = [];
public function addVertex(string $vertex, int $level = -1, float $heuristic = 0.0, string $label = ''): void {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$vertex])) {
$this->adjacencyList[$vertex] = [];
$this->vertexLabels[$vertex] = $label;
$this->levels[$vertex] = $level;
$this->heuristics[$vertex] = $heuristic;
$this->edgeCosts[$vertex] = [];
public function getVertexLabel(string $vertex = ''): string {
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
public function addEdge(string $from, string $to, float $cost = 1.0): void {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$from]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$to])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Both vertices must exist in the graph.');
if (!isset($this->edgeCosts[$from])) {
$this->edgeCosts[$from] = [];
if (!in_array($to, $this->adjacencyList[$from])) {
$this->adjacencyList[$from][] = $to;
$this->edgeCosts[$from][$to] = $cost;
public function getEdgeCost(string $from, string $to): float {
if (!isset($this->edgeCosts[$from][$to])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("No edge exists between $from and $to");
return $this->edgeCosts[$from][$to];
public function greedySearch(string $start, string $goal, $maxSteps = 100): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.');
$path = [];
$currentVertex = $start;
// Keep going until we reach the goal
$count = 0;
while ($currentVertex !== $goal && $count < $maxSteps) {
// Add current vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Find neighbor with lowest heuristic value
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestHeuristic = PHP_FLOAT_MAX;
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
$h = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if ($h < $bestHeuristic) {
$bestHeuristic = $h;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
// If we can't find a better neighbor, we're stuck
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
return null;
// Move to the best neighbor
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
// No path found within reasonable time
if ($count >= $maxSteps) {
return null;
// Add the goal vertex to complete the path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $goal,
'level' => $this->levels[$goal],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$goal]
return $path;
public function aStarTreeSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
// Priority queue implemented as array with state information
$openSet = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'gScore' => 0.0,
'fScore' => $this->heuristics[$start],
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
while (!empty($openSet)) {
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$currentIndex = 0;
$currentFScore = $openSet[0]['fScore'];
for ($i = 1; $i < count($openSet); $i++) {
if ($openSet[$i]['fScore'] < $currentFScore) {
$currentIndex = $i;
$currentFScore = $openSet[$i]['fScore'];
$current = $openSet[$currentIndex];
$currentVertex = $current['vertex'];
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
return $current['path'];
// Remove current from openSet
array_splice($openSet, $currentIndex, 1);
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
// Calculate g score for this path
$tentativeGScore = $current['gScore'] + $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
// Calculate f score (g score + heuristic)
$fScore = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
// Create new path
$newPath = $current['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Add new state to openSet
$openSet[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'gScore' => $tentativeGScore,
'fScore' => $fScore,
'path' => $newPath
return null; // No path found
public function aStarGroupSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$openSet = [$start];
$cameFrom = [];
$gScore = [$start => 0.0];
$fScore = [$start => $this->heuristics[$start]];
while (!empty($openSet)) {
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$current = $openSet[0];
$currentFScore = $fScore[$current];
foreach ($openSet as $node) {
if ($fScore[$node] < $currentFScore) {
$current = $node;
$currentFScore = $fScore[$node];
if ($current === $goal) {
// Reconstruct path
$path = [$current];
while (isset($cameFrom[$current])) {
$current = $cameFrom[$current];
array_unshift($path, $current);
return $path;
// Remove current from openSet
$openSet = array_values(array_diff($openSet, [$current]));
// Explore neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
$tentativeGScore = $gScore[$current] + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor);
if (!isset($gScore[$neighbor]) || $tentativeGScore < $gScore[$neighbor]) {
$cameFrom[$neighbor] = $current;
$gScore[$neighbor] = $tentativeGScore;
$fScore[$neighbor] = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if (!in_array($neighbor, $openSet)) {
$openSet[] = $neighbor;
return null; // No path found
public function beamSearch(string $start, string $goal, int $beamWidth = 2): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
// Initialize beam with start vertex
$beam = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
while (!empty($beam)) {
$candidates = [];
// Generate all possible next states from current beam
foreach ($beam as $state) {
$currentVertex = $state['vertex'];
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
return $state['path'];
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
// Skip if we've already visited this vertex
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
$newPath = $state['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$candidates[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'path' => $newPath,
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
if (empty($candidates)) {
return null; // No path found
// Sort candidates by heuristic value (ascending)
usort($candidates, function($a, $b) {
return $a['heuristic'] <=> $b['heuristic'];
// Keep only the k best candidates (beam width)
$beam = array_slice($candidates, 0, $beamWidth);
return null; // No path found
public function idaStarSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
// Initialize the bound as the heuristic value of the start node
$bound = $this->heuristics[$start];
// Initial path contains only the start node
$path = [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
while (true) {
// Search with current bound
$result = $this->idaStarRecursive($path, 0, $bound, $goal);
if (is_array($result)) {
// Path found
return $result;
if ($result === PHP_FLOAT_MAX) {
// No path exists
return null;
// Update bound to the minimum f-value that exceeded current bound
$bound = $result;
private function idaStarRecursive(array $path, float $g, float $bound, string $goal): array|float {
$current = $path[count($path) - 1]['vertex'];
$f = $g + $this->heuristics[$current];
// If f exceeds bound, return f as the new minimum bound
if ($f > $bound) {
return $f;
// If goal is reached, return the path
if ($current === $goal) {
return $path;
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
// Check if neighbor is already in path (avoid cycles)
$inPath = false;
foreach ($path as $node) {
if ($node['vertex'] === $neighbor) {
$inPath = true;
if ($inPath) {
// Add neighbor to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Recursively search from neighbor
$result = $this->idaStarRecursive(
$g + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor),
// Remove neighbor from path (backtrack)
// Process result
if (is_array($result)) {
// Path to goal found
return $result;
// Update minimum bound if needed
if ($result < $min) {
$min = $result;
return $min;
* Simple Hill Climbing: Takes the first neighbor that improves the current state.
* Faster but may miss better solutions.
public function simpleHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Find first better neighbor
$betterFound = false;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
if ($this->heuristics[$neighbor] < $currentHeuristic) {
$currentVertex = $neighbor;
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$betterFound = true;
if (!$betterFound) {
return null; // Local maximum reached
return $path;
* Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing: Evaluates all neighbors and selects the one
* that provides the maximum improvement. More thorough but slower.
public function steepestAscentHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Find the neighbor with maximum improvement
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestImprovement = 0;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
$improvement = $currentHeuristic - $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if ($improvement > $bestImprovement) {
$bestImprovement = $improvement;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
return null; // Local maximum reached
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
$visited[$currentVertex] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
return $path;
* Stochastic Hill Climbing: Randomly selects among the better neighbors,
* with probability proportional to the amount of improvement.
* Can escape some local maxima but may take longer to converge.
public function stochasticHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$maxAttempts = 100; // Prevent infinite loops
$attempts = 0;
while ($currentVertex !== $goal && $attempts < $maxAttempts) {
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Collect better neighbors and their improvements
$candidates = [];
$totalImprovement = 0;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
$improvement = $currentHeuristic - $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if ($improvement > 0) {
$candidates[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'improvement' => $improvement
$totalImprovement += $improvement;
if (empty($candidates)) {
return null; // Local maximum reached
// Randomly select a neighbor, weighted by improvement
$random = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * $totalImprovement;
$sum = 0;
$selectedNeighbor = null;
foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
$sum += $candidate['improvement'];
if ($sum >= $random) {
$selectedNeighbor = $candidate['vertex'];
if ($selectedNeighbor === null) {
$selectedNeighbor = $candidates[array_key_last($candidates)]['vertex'];
$currentVertex = $selectedNeighbor;
$visited[$currentVertex] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
return $attempts < $maxAttempts ? $path : null;
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| DEBUG methods
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Debug output for Beam Search showing the beam selection process
* and path finding decisions
public function debugBeamSearch(string $start, string $goal, int $beamWidth = 2): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== Beam Search Debug (Beam Width: {$beamWidth}) ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
// Initialize beam with start vertex
$beam = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$iteration = 0;
while (!empty($beam)) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
echo "Current beam states:\n";
foreach ($beam as $index => $state) {
echo sprintf(" %d. %s (h=%.2f)\n",
$index + 1,
$candidates = [];
// Generate all possible next states from current beam
foreach ($beam as $state) {
$currentVertex = $state['vertex'];
echo "\nExpanding vertex: {$currentVertex}\n";
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
echo "\nGoal state reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($state['path'], 'vertex'))) . "\n\n";
return $state['path'];
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
echo "Evaluating neighbors:\n";
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
echo " {$neighbor}: Skipped (already visited)\n";
$newPath = $state['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$candidates[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'path' => $newPath,
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
echo sprintf(" %s: Added as candidate (h=%.2f)\n",
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
if (empty($candidates)) {
echo "\nNo candidates available - search failed\n";
return null;
// Sort candidates by heuristic value (ascending)
usort($candidates, function($a, $b) {
return $a['heuristic'] <=> $b['heuristic'];
echo "\nCandidate ranking:\n";
foreach ($candidates as $index => $candidate) {
echo sprintf(" %d. %s (h=%.2f)%s\n",
$index + 1,
$index < $beamWidth ? " ← Selected for beam" : ""
// Keep only the k best candidates (beam width)
$beam = array_slice($candidates, 0, $beamWidth);
echo "\nNew beam width: " . count($beam) . " states\n";
echo "\nSearch completed without finding goal\n";
return null;
* Debug output for A* Tree Search showing the search process
* and decision making at each step
public function debugAStarTreeSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== A* Tree Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
// Priority queue implemented as array with state information
$openSet = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'gScore' => 0.0,
'fScore' => $this->heuristics[$start],
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$iteration = 0;
$totalCost = 0;
while (!empty($openSet)) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$currentIndex = 0;
$currentFScore = $openSet[0]['fScore'];
echo "Current open set states:\n";
foreach ($openSet as $index => $state) {
echo sprintf(" %d. %s (g=%.2f, f=%.2f)\n",
$index + 1,
if ($state['fScore'] < $currentFScore) {
$currentIndex = $index;
$currentFScore = $state['fScore'];
$current = $openSet[$currentIndex];
$currentVertex = $current['vertex'];
echo "\nSelected node {$currentVertex} with lowest f-score: {$currentFScore}\n";
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($current['path'], 'vertex')) . "\n";
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($current['path'], 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$current['gScore']}\n\n";
return $current['path'];
// Remove current from openSet
array_splice($openSet, $currentIndex, 1);
echo "\nExploring neighbors of {$currentVertex}:\n";
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
// Calculate g score for this path
$tentativeGScore = $current['gScore'] + $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
// Calculate f score (g score + heuristic)
$fScore = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
echo sprintf(" %s: g=%.2f, h=%.2f, f=%.2f\n",
// Create new path
$newPath = $current['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Add new state to openSet
$openSet[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'gScore' => $tentativeGScore,
'fScore' => $fScore,
'path' => $newPath
echo " → Added to open set\n";
echo "\nNo path found to goal\n";
return null;
* Debug output for A* Group Search showing the search process
* and decision making at each step
public function debugAStarGroupSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== A* Group Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$openSet = [$start];
$cameFrom = [];
$gScore = [$start => 0.0];
$fScore = [$start => $this->heuristics[$start]];
$iteration = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
while (!empty($openSet)) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$current = $openSet[0];
$currentFScore = $fScore[$current];
echo "Current open set:\n";
foreach ($openSet as $vertex) {
echo sprintf(" %s (g=%.2f, f=%.2f)\n",
if ($fScore[$vertex] < $currentFScore) {
$current = $vertex;
$currentFScore = $fScore[$vertex];
echo "\nSelected vertex {$current} with lowest f-score: {$currentFScore}\n";
if ($current === $goal) {
// Reconstruct path
$path = [$current];
$totalCost = $gScore[$current];
while (isset($cameFrom[$current])) {
$current = $cameFrom[$current];
array_unshift($path, $current);
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames($path)) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return $path;
// Remove current from openSet
$openSet = array_values(array_diff($openSet, [$current]));
echo "\nExploring neighbors of {$current}:\n";
// Explore neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
$tentativeGScore = $gScore[$current] + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor);
$neighborFScore = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
echo sprintf(" %s: g=%.2f, h=%.2f, f=%.2f",
if (!isset($gScore[$neighbor]) || $tentativeGScore < $gScore[$neighbor]) {
echo " → Better path found!\n";
$cameFrom[$neighbor] = $current;
$gScore[$neighbor] = $tentativeGScore;
$fScore[$neighbor] = $neighborFScore;
if (!in_array($neighbor, $openSet)) {
$openSet[] = $neighbor;
echo " Added to open set\n";
} else {
echo " → Not better than existing path\n";
echo "\nNo path found to goal\n";
return null;
* Debug output for IDA* Search showing iterative deepening process
* and the search decisions at each step
public function debugIdaStarSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== IDA* Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
// Initialize the bound as the heuristic value of the start node
$bound = $this->heuristics[$start];
$iteration = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}";
echo "\nInitial bound: {$bound}\n";
// Initial path contains only the start node
$path = [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
while (true) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
echo "Current bound: {$bound}\n";
// Search with current bound
$result = $this->debugIdaStarRecursive($path, 0, $bound, $goal, 1);
if (is_array($result)) {
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($result, 'vertex'))) . "\n\n";
return $result;
if ($result === PHP_FLOAT_MAX) {
echo "\nNo path exists to goal\n";
return null;
echo "\nMinimum f-value exceeding current bound: {$result}\n";
echo "Increasing bound for next iteration\n";
// Update bound to the minimum f-value that exceeded current bound
$bound = $result;
* Debug recursive helper function for IDA* search
private function debugIdaStarRecursive(array $path, float $g, float $bound, string $goal, int $depth): array|float {
$current = $path[count($path) - 1]['vertex'];
$f = $g + $this->heuristics[$current];
$indent = str_repeat(" ", $depth);
echo "{$indent}Examining vertex: {$current}\n";
echo "{$indent}g-value: {$g}, h-value: {$this->heuristics[$current]}, f-value: {$f}\n";
echo "{$indent}Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex')) . "\n";
// If f exceeds bound, return f as the new minimum bound
if ($f > $bound) {
echo "{$indent}f-value {$f} exceeds bound {$bound}, backtracking\n";
return $f;
// If goal is reached, return the path
if ($current === $goal) {
echo "{$indent}Goal reached!\n";
return $path;
echo "{$indent}Exploring neighbors:\n";
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
// Check if neighbor is already in path (avoid cycles)
$inPath = false;
foreach ($path as $node) {
if ($node['vertex'] === $neighbor) {
$inPath = true;
if ($inPath) {
echo "{$indent} {$neighbor}: Skipped (already in path)\n";
echo "{$indent} {$neighbor}:\n";
echo "{$indent} Edge cost: {$this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor)}\n";
echo "{$indent} Heuristic: {$this->heuristics[$neighbor]}\n";
// Add neighbor to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Recursively search from neighbor
$result = $this->debugIdaStarRecursive(
$g + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor),
$depth + 1
// Remove neighbor from path (backtrack)
// Process result
if (is_array($result)) {
// Path to goal found
return $result;
// Update minimum bound if needed
if ($result < $min) {
$min = $result;
echo "{$indent} New minimum f-value found: {$min}\n";
if ($min === PHP_FLOAT_MAX) {
echo "{$indent}No valid neighbors found, backtracking\n";
} else {
echo "{$indent}All neighbors explored, minimum f-value: {$min}\n";
return $min;
* Debug the Simple Hill Climbing algorithm showing decision process
public function debugSimpleHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== Simple Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$totalCost = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
echo "\n----------------------------\n";
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex'));
echo "\nAt vertex: {$currentVertex} (h={$this->heuristics[$currentVertex]})\n";
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
echo "Dead end reached - no neighbors available\n";
return null;
$betterFound = false;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
echo " Skipping {$neighbor}: already visited\n";
$neighborHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
echo " Evaluating {$neighbor}:";
echo "\n Heuristic: {$neighborHeuristic}";
echo "\n Edge cost: {$edgeCost}";
echo "\n Current best: {$currentHeuristic}\n";
if ($neighborHeuristic < $currentHeuristic) {
echo " → Better neighbor found: {$neighbor}\n";
$totalCost += $edgeCost;
$currentVertex = $neighbor;
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $neighborHeuristic
$betterFound = true;
} else {
echo " → Not better than current state\n";
if (!$betterFound) {
echo "\nLocal maximum reached - no improving neighbors found\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return null;
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return $path;
* Debug the Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing algorithm showing evaluation process
public function debugSteepestAscentHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$totalCost = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
echo "\n----------------------------\n";
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex'));
echo "\nAt vertex: {$currentVertex} (h={$this->heuristics[$currentVertex]})\n";
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
echo "Dead end reached - no neighbors available\n";
return null;
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestImprovement = 0;
$bestCost = 0;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
echo "\nEvaluating all neighbors:\n";
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
echo " Skipping {$neighbor}: already visited\n";
$neighborHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
$improvement = $currentHeuristic - $neighborHeuristic;
echo " {$neighbor}:";
echo "\n Heuristic: {$neighborHeuristic}";
echo "\n Edge cost: {$edgeCost}";
echo "\n Improvement: {$improvement}\n";
if ($improvement > $bestImprovement) {
$bestImprovement = $improvement;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
$bestCost = $edgeCost;
echo " → New best neighbor!\n";
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
echo "\nLocal maximum reached - no improving neighbors found\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return null;
echo "\nSelected best neighbor: {$bestNeighbor}";
echo "\nImprovement: {$bestImprovement}";
echo "\nEdge cost: {$bestCost}\n";
$totalCost += $bestCost;
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
$visited[$currentVertex] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return $path;
* Debug output for Stochastic Hill Climbing showing the probabilistic decisions
* made during the search process
public function debugStochasticHillClimbing(?array $searchResult, string $start, string $goal): ?array {
$start = $this->vertexLabels[$start] ?? $start;
$goal = $this->vertexLabels[$goal] ?? $goal;
if ($searchResult === null) {
echo "\n=== Stochastic Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "No path found from {$start} to {$goal}!\n";
return null;
echo "\n=== Stochastic Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "Path found from {$start} to {$goal}\n";
$totalCost = 0;
$pathLength = count($searchResult);
echo "\nPath sequence analysis:\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $pathLength; $i++) {
$currentNode = $searchResult[$i];
$currentVertex = $currentNode['vertex'];
echo "\nStep {$i}:";
echo "\nCurrent vertex: {$currentVertex}";
echo "\nLevel: {$currentNode['level']}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$currentNode['heuristic']}\n";
// If not the last node, analyze the transition to the next node
if ($i < $pathLength - 1) {
$nextNode = $searchResult[$i + 1];
$nextVertex = $nextNode['vertex'];
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
// Calculate improvements and probabilities for all valid neighbors
$candidates = [];
$totalImprovement = 0;
echo "\nNeighbor analysis:";
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
$neighborHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$improvement = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex] - $neighborHeuristic;
if ($improvement > 0) {
$candidates[$neighbor] = $improvement;
$totalImprovement += $improvement;
echo sprintf("\n %s:", $neighbor);
echo sprintf("\n Heuristic: %.2f", $neighborHeuristic);
echo sprintf("\n Improvement: %.2f", $improvement);
if ($improvement > 0) {
echo "\n → Eligible for selection";
} else {
echo "\n → Not eligible (no improvement)";
// Show selection probabilities
if (!empty($candidates)) {
echo "\n\nSelection probabilities:";
foreach ($candidates as $neighbor => $improvement) {
$probability = ($improvement / $totalImprovement) * 100;
echo sprintf("\n %s: %.2f%%", $neighbor, $probability);
if ($neighbor === $nextVertex) {
echo " ← Selected";
// Show transition details
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $nextVertex);
$totalCost += $edgeCost;
echo sprintf("\n\nTransition: %s -> %s", $currentVertex, $nextVertex);
echo sprintf("\nEdge cost: %.2f", $edgeCost);
echo sprintf("\nRunning total cost: %.2f", $totalCost);
echo "\n----------------------------";
echo sprintf("\n\nFinal path: \n%s", implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($searchResult, 'vertex'))));
echo sprintf("\nTotal path cost: %.2f\n\n", $totalCost);
return $searchResult;
* Debug output for Greedy Search showing decision process
* and neighbor evaluations at each step
public function debugGreedySearch(string $start, string $goal, $maxSteps = 100): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.');
echo "\n=== Greedy Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$path = [];
$currentVertex = $start;
$totalCost = 0;
$iteration = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
// Keep going until we reach the goal
$count = 0;
while ($currentVertex !== $goal && $count < $maxSteps) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
// Add current vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex')) . "\n";
echo "At vertex: {$currentVertex} (h={$this->heuristics[$currentVertex]})\n";
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
echo "Dead end reached - no neighbors available\n";
return null;
echo "\nEvaluating neighbors:\n";
// Find neighbor with lowest heuristic value
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestHeuristic = PHP_FLOAT_MAX;
$bestEdgeCost = 0;
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
$h = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
echo sprintf(" %s:\n", $neighbor);
echo sprintf(" Heuristic: %.2f\n", $h);
echo sprintf(" Edge cost: %.2f\n", $edgeCost);
if ($h < $bestHeuristic) {
$bestHeuristic = $h;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
$bestEdgeCost = $edgeCost;
echo " → New best neighbor!\n";
} else {
echo " → Not better than current best\n";
// If we can't find a better neighbor, we're stuck
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
echo "\nNo improving neighbor found - search failed\n";
return null;
echo "\nSelected best neighbor: {$bestNeighbor}";
echo "\nHeuristic value: {$bestHeuristic}";
echo "\nEdge cost: {$bestEdgeCost}\n";
// Move to the best neighbor
$totalCost += $bestEdgeCost;
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
// No path found within reasonable time
if ($count >= $maxSteps) {
return null;
// Add the goal vertex to complete the path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $goal,
'level' => $this->levels[$goal],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$goal]
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex')) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n";
return $path;
public function searchAnalysis($searchResult, bool $showCost = true): void {
if ($searchResult === null) {
echo "No path found!\n";
$totalCost = 0;
echo "Path sequence:\n";
$pathSequenceNames = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
}, $searchResult);
echo " -> " . implode("\n -> ", $pathSequenceNames) . "\n";
echo "\nPath analysis:\n";
$lastIndex = 0;
$lastVertex = null;
$pathSequence = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
}, $searchResult);
foreach ($pathSequence as $index => $vertex) {
if ($index > 0) {
$prevVertex = $pathSequence[$index - 1];
$cost = $this->getEdgeCost($prevVertex, $vertex);
$totalCost += $cost;
echo sprintf("Step %d: %s (level %d, h=%.1f) -> %s (level %d, h=%.1f): cost: %.1f\n",
$lastVertex = $vertex;
echo sprintf("Step %d: %s (level %d, h=%.1f)\n",
if ($showCost) {
echo sprintf("\nTotal path cost: %.1f\n", $totalCost);
public function getAdjacencyList(): array {
return $this->adjacencyList;
public function printPath(array $path, bool $showCost = true): void {
$totalCost = 0;
$previousVertex = null;
foreach ($path as $step) {
// Get current vertex name depending on path format
$currentVertex = is_array($step) ? $step['vertex'] : $step;
if ($showCost) {
if ($previousVertex !== null) {
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($previousVertex, $currentVertex);
$totalCost += $edgeCost;
echo sprintf("Edge cost from %s to %s: %.1f\n",
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d, h=%.1f)\n",
$previousVertex = $currentVertex;
if ($showCost) {
echo sprintf("\nTotal path cost: %.1f\n", $totalCost);
public function printGraph(): void {
foreach ($this->adjacencyList as $vertex => $neighbors) {
$costs = array_map(function($neighbor) use ($vertex) {
return sprintf("%s(%.1f)", $neighbor, $this->edgeCosts[$vertex][$neighbor]);
}, $neighbors);
echo sprintf("%s (Level %d, h=%.1f) -> %s\n",
$this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex,
implode(', ', $costs)
* @param array $path
* @return array
protected function getSequenceNames(array $path): array {
$pathSequenceNames = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
}, $path);
return $pathSequenceNames;