Informed (Heuristic) Search
Iterative Deepening A*
The Iterative Deepening A* Algorithm (IDA*) is a heuristic search method that combines the memory efficiency of Depth-First Search (DFS) with the optimal path-finding capabilities of the A* algorithm. It is specifically designed to handle large search spaces while maintaining optimality and completeness. By limiting memory usage, IDA* enables effective exploration of complex networks or trees to find the shortest path from the start state to the goal state.
Example of class InformedSearchGraph
(with Iterative Deepening A* search):
namespace app\classes\search;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class InformedSearchGraph {
private array $adjacencyList;
private array $vertexLabels;
private array $levels;
private array $heuristics;
private array $edgeCosts;
public function __construct() {
$this->adjacencyList = [];
$this->vertexLabels = [];
$this->levels = [];
$this->heuristics = [];
$this->edgeCosts = [];
public function addVertex(string $vertex, int $level = -1, float $heuristic = 0.0, string $label = ''): void {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$vertex])) {
$this->adjacencyList[$vertex] = [];
$this->vertexLabels[$vertex] = $label;
$this->levels[$vertex] = $level;
$this->heuristics[$vertex] = $heuristic;
$this->edgeCosts[$vertex] = [];
public function getVertexLabel(string $vertex = ''): string {
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
public function addEdge(string $from, string $to, float $cost = 1.0): void {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$from]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$to])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Both vertices must exist in the graph.');
if (!isset($this->edgeCosts[$from])) {
$this->edgeCosts[$from] = [];
if (!in_array($to, $this->adjacencyList[$from])) {
$this->adjacencyList[$from][] = $to;
$this->edgeCosts[$from][$to] = $cost;
public function getEdgeCost(string $from, string $to): float {
if (!isset($this->edgeCosts[$from][$to])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("No edge exists between $from and $to");
return $this->edgeCosts[$from][$to];
public function greedySearch(string $start, string $goal, $maxSteps = 100): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.');
$path = [];
$currentVertex = $start;
// Keep going until we reach the goal
$count = 0;
while ($currentVertex !== $goal && $count < $maxSteps) {
// Add current vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Find neighbor with lowest heuristic value
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestHeuristic = PHP_FLOAT_MAX;
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
$h = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if ($h < $bestHeuristic) {
$bestHeuristic = $h;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
// If we can't find a better neighbor, we're stuck
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
return null;
// Move to the best neighbor
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
// No path found within reasonable time
if ($count >= $maxSteps) {
return null;
// Add the goal vertex to complete the path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $goal,
'level' => $this->levels[$goal],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$goal]
return $path;
public function aStarTreeSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
// Priority queue implemented as array with state information
$openSet = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'gScore' => 0.0,
'fScore' => $this->heuristics[$start],
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
while (!empty($openSet)) {
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$currentIndex = 0;
$currentFScore = $openSet[0]['fScore'];
for ($i = 1; $i < count($openSet); $i++) {
if ($openSet[$i]['fScore'] < $currentFScore) {
$currentIndex = $i;
$currentFScore = $openSet[$i]['fScore'];
$current = $openSet[$currentIndex];
$currentVertex = $current['vertex'];
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
return $current['path'];
// Remove current from openSet
array_splice($openSet, $currentIndex, 1);
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
// Calculate g score for this path
$tentativeGScore = $current['gScore'] + $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
// Calculate f score (g score + heuristic)
$fScore = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
// Create new path
$newPath = $current['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Add new state to openSet
$openSet[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'gScore' => $tentativeGScore,
'fScore' => $fScore,
'path' => $newPath
return null; // No path found
public function aStarGroupSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$openSet = [$start];
$cameFrom = [];
$gScore = [$start => 0.0];
$fScore = [$start => $this->heuristics[$start]];
while (!empty($openSet)) {
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$current = $openSet[0];
$currentFScore = $fScore[$current];
foreach ($openSet as $node) {
if ($fScore[$node] < $currentFScore) {
$current = $node;
$currentFScore = $fScore[$node];
if ($current === $goal) {
// Reconstruct path
$path = [$current];
while (isset($cameFrom[$current])) {
$current = $cameFrom[$current];
array_unshift($path, $current);
return $path;
// Remove current from openSet
$openSet = array_values(array_diff($openSet, [$current]));
// Explore neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
$tentativeGScore = $gScore[$current] + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor);
if (!isset($gScore[$neighbor]) || $tentativeGScore < $gScore[$neighbor]) {
$cameFrom[$neighbor] = $current;
$gScore[$neighbor] = $tentativeGScore;
$fScore[$neighbor] = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if (!in_array($neighbor, $openSet)) {
$openSet[] = $neighbor;
return null; // No path found
public function beamSearch(string $start, string $goal, int $beamWidth = 2): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
// Initialize beam with start vertex
$beam = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
while (!empty($beam)) {
$candidates = [];
// Generate all possible next states from current beam
foreach ($beam as $state) {
$currentVertex = $state['vertex'];
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
return $state['path'];
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
// Skip if we've already visited this vertex
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
$newPath = $state['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$candidates[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'path' => $newPath,
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
if (empty($candidates)) {
return null; // No path found
// Sort candidates by heuristic value (ascending)
usort($candidates, function($a, $b) {
return $a['heuristic'] <=> $b['heuristic'];
// Keep only the k best candidates (beam width)
$beam = array_slice($candidates, 0, $beamWidth);
return null; // No path found
public function idaStarSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
// Initialize the bound as the heuristic value of the start node
$bound = $this->heuristics[$start];
// Initial path contains only the start node
$path = [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
while (true) {
// Search with current bound
$result = $this->idaStarRecursive($path, 0, $bound, $goal);
if (is_array($result)) {
// Path found
return $result;
if ($result === PHP_FLOAT_MAX) {
// No path exists
return null;
// Update bound to the minimum f-value that exceeded current bound
$bound = $result;
private function idaStarRecursive(array $path, float $g, float $bound, string $goal): array|float {
$current = $path[count($path) - 1]['vertex'];
$f = $g + $this->heuristics[$current];
// If f exceeds bound, return f as the new minimum bound
if ($f > $bound) {
return $f;
// If goal is reached, return the path
if ($current === $goal) {
return $path;
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
// Check if neighbor is already in path (avoid cycles)
$inPath = false;
foreach ($path as $node) {
if ($node['vertex'] === $neighbor) {
$inPath = true;
if ($inPath) {
// Add neighbor to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Recursively search from neighbor
$result = $this->idaStarRecursive(
$g + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor),
// Remove neighbor from path (backtrack)
// Process result
if (is_array($result)) {
// Path to goal found
return $result;
// Update minimum bound if needed
if ($result < $min) {
$min = $result;
return $min;
* Simple Hill Climbing: Takes the first neighbor that improves the current state.
* Faster but may miss better solutions.
public function simpleHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Find first better neighbor
$betterFound = false;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
if ($this->heuristics[$neighbor] < $currentHeuristic) {
$currentVertex = $neighbor;
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$betterFound = true;
if (!$betterFound) {
return null; // Local maximum reached
return $path;
* Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing: Evaluates all neighbors and selects the one
* that provides the maximum improvement. More thorough but slower.
public function steepestAscentHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Find the neighbor with maximum improvement
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestImprovement = 0;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
$improvement = $currentHeuristic - $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if ($improvement > $bestImprovement) {
$bestImprovement = $improvement;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
return null; // Local maximum reached
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
$visited[$currentVertex] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
return $path;
* Stochastic Hill Climbing: Randomly selects among the better neighbors,
* with probability proportional to the amount of improvement.
* Can escape some local maxima but may take longer to converge.
public function stochasticHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$maxAttempts = 100; // Prevent infinite loops
$attempts = 0;
while ($currentVertex !== $goal && $attempts < $maxAttempts) {
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
return null; // Dead end
// Collect better neighbors and their improvements
$candidates = [];
$totalImprovement = 0;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
$improvement = $currentHeuristic - $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
if ($improvement > 0) {
$candidates[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'improvement' => $improvement
$totalImprovement += $improvement;
if (empty($candidates)) {
return null; // Local maximum reached
// Randomly select a neighbor, weighted by improvement
$random = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * $totalImprovement;
$sum = 0;
$selectedNeighbor = null;
foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
$sum += $candidate['improvement'];
if ($sum >= $random) {
$selectedNeighbor = $candidate['vertex'];
if ($selectedNeighbor === null) {
$selectedNeighbor = $candidates[array_key_last($candidates)]['vertex'];
$currentVertex = $selectedNeighbor;
$visited[$currentVertex] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
return $attempts < $maxAttempts ? $path : null;
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| DEBUG methods
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Debug output for Beam Search showing the beam selection process
* and path finding decisions
public function debugBeamSearch(string $start, string $goal, int $beamWidth = 2): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== Beam Search Debug (Beam Width: {$beamWidth}) ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
// Initialize beam with start vertex
$beam = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$iteration = 0;
while (!empty($beam)) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
echo "Current beam states:\n";
foreach ($beam as $index => $state) {
echo sprintf(" %d. %s (h=%.2f)\n",
$index + 1,
$candidates = [];
// Generate all possible next states from current beam
foreach ($beam as $state) {
$currentVertex = $state['vertex'];
echo "\nExpanding vertex: {$currentVertex}\n";
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
echo "\nGoal state reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($state['path'], 'vertex'))) . "\n\n";
return $state['path'];
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
echo "Evaluating neighbors:\n";
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
echo " {$neighbor}: Skipped (already visited)\n";
$newPath = $state['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
$candidates[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'path' => $newPath,
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
echo sprintf(" %s: Added as candidate (h=%.2f)\n",
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
if (empty($candidates)) {
echo "\nNo candidates available - search failed\n";
return null;
// Sort candidates by heuristic value (ascending)
usort($candidates, function($a, $b) {
return $a['heuristic'] <=> $b['heuristic'];
echo "\nCandidate ranking:\n";
foreach ($candidates as $index => $candidate) {
echo sprintf(" %d. %s (h=%.2f)%s\n",
$index + 1,
$index < $beamWidth ? " ← Selected for beam" : ""
// Keep only the k best candidates (beam width)
$beam = array_slice($candidates, 0, $beamWidth);
echo "\nNew beam width: " . count($beam) . " states\n";
echo "\nSearch completed without finding goal\n";
return null;
* Debug output for A* Tree Search showing the search process
* and decision making at each step
public function debugAStarTreeSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== A* Tree Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
// Priority queue implemented as array with state information
$openSet = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'gScore' => 0.0,
'fScore' => $this->heuristics[$start],
'path' => [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$iteration = 0;
$totalCost = 0;
while (!empty($openSet)) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$currentIndex = 0;
$currentFScore = $openSet[0]['fScore'];
echo "Current open set states:\n";
foreach ($openSet as $index => $state) {
echo sprintf(" %d. %s (g=%.2f, f=%.2f)\n",
$index + 1,
if ($state['fScore'] < $currentFScore) {
$currentIndex = $index;
$currentFScore = $state['fScore'];
$current = $openSet[$currentIndex];
$currentVertex = $current['vertex'];
echo "\nSelected node {$currentVertex} with lowest f-score: {$currentFScore}\n";
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($current['path'], 'vertex')) . "\n";
// Check if we've reached the goal
if ($currentVertex === $goal) {
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($current['path'], 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$current['gScore']}\n\n";
return $current['path'];
// Remove current from openSet
array_splice($openSet, $currentIndex, 1);
echo "\nExploring neighbors of {$currentVertex}:\n";
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
// Calculate g score for this path
$tentativeGScore = $current['gScore'] + $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
// Calculate f score (g score + heuristic)
$fScore = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
echo sprintf(" %s: g=%.2f, h=%.2f, f=%.2f\n",
// Create new path
$newPath = $current['path'];
$newPath[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Add new state to openSet
$openSet[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'gScore' => $tentativeGScore,
'fScore' => $fScore,
'path' => $newPath
echo " → Added to open set\n";
echo "\nNo path found to goal\n";
return null;
* Debug output for A* Group Search showing the search process
* and decision making at each step
public function debugAStarGroupSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== A* Group Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$openSet = [$start];
$cameFrom = [];
$gScore = [$start => 0.0];
$fScore = [$start => $this->heuristics[$start]];
$iteration = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
while (!empty($openSet)) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
// Find node in openSet with lowest fScore
$current = $openSet[0];
$currentFScore = $fScore[$current];
echo "Current open set:\n";
foreach ($openSet as $vertex) {
echo sprintf(" %s (g=%.2f, f=%.2f)\n",
if ($fScore[$vertex] < $currentFScore) {
$current = $vertex;
$currentFScore = $fScore[$vertex];
echo "\nSelected vertex {$current} with lowest f-score: {$currentFScore}\n";
if ($current === $goal) {
// Reconstruct path
$path = [$current];
$totalCost = $gScore[$current];
while (isset($cameFrom[$current])) {
$current = $cameFrom[$current];
array_unshift($path, $current);
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames($path)) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return $path;
// Remove current from openSet
$openSet = array_values(array_diff($openSet, [$current]));
echo "\nExploring neighbors of {$current}:\n";
// Explore neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
$tentativeGScore = $gScore[$current] + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor);
$neighborFScore = $tentativeGScore + $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
echo sprintf(" %s: g=%.2f, h=%.2f, f=%.2f",
if (!isset($gScore[$neighbor]) || $tentativeGScore < $gScore[$neighbor]) {
echo " → Better path found!\n";
$cameFrom[$neighbor] = $current;
$gScore[$neighbor] = $tentativeGScore;
$fScore[$neighbor] = $neighborFScore;
if (!in_array($neighbor, $openSet)) {
$openSet[] = $neighbor;
echo " Added to open set\n";
} else {
echo " → Not better than existing path\n";
echo "\nNo path found to goal\n";
return null;
* Debug output for IDA* Search showing iterative deepening process
* and the search decisions at each step
public function debugIdaStarSearch(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== IDA* Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
// Initialize the bound as the heuristic value of the start node
$bound = $this->heuristics[$start];
$iteration = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}";
echo "\nInitial bound: {$bound}\n";
// Initial path contains only the start node
$path = [
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
while (true) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
echo "Current bound: {$bound}\n";
// Search with current bound
$result = $this->debugIdaStarRecursive($path, 0, $bound, $goal, 1);
if (is_array($result)) {
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($result, 'vertex'))) . "\n\n";
return $result;
if ($result === PHP_FLOAT_MAX) {
echo "\nNo path exists to goal\n";
return null;
echo "\nMinimum f-value exceeding current bound: {$result}\n";
echo "Increasing bound for next iteration\n";
// Update bound to the minimum f-value that exceeded current bound
$bound = $result;
* Debug recursive helper function for IDA* search
private function debugIdaStarRecursive(array $path, float $g, float $bound, string $goal, int $depth): array|float {
$current = $path[count($path) - 1]['vertex'];
$f = $g + $this->heuristics[$current];
$indent = str_repeat(" ", $depth);
echo "{$indent}Examining vertex: {$current}\n";
echo "{$indent}g-value: {$g}, h-value: {$this->heuristics[$current]}, f-value: {$f}\n";
echo "{$indent}Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex')) . "\n";
// If f exceeds bound, return f as the new minimum bound
if ($f > $bound) {
echo "{$indent}f-value {$f} exceeds bound {$bound}, backtracking\n";
return $f;
// If goal is reached, return the path
if ($current === $goal) {
echo "{$indent}Goal reached!\n";
return $path;
echo "{$indent}Exploring neighbors:\n";
// Explore all neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$current] as $neighbor) {
// Check if neighbor is already in path (avoid cycles)
$inPath = false;
foreach ($path as $node) {
if ($node['vertex'] === $neighbor) {
$inPath = true;
if ($inPath) {
echo "{$indent} {$neighbor}: Skipped (already in path)\n";
echo "{$indent} {$neighbor}:\n";
echo "{$indent} Edge cost: {$this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor)}\n";
echo "{$indent} Heuristic: {$this->heuristics[$neighbor]}\n";
// Add neighbor to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$neighbor]
// Recursively search from neighbor
$result = $this->debugIdaStarRecursive(
$g + $this->getEdgeCost($current, $neighbor),
$depth + 1
// Remove neighbor from path (backtrack)
// Process result
if (is_array($result)) {
// Path to goal found
return $result;
// Update minimum bound if needed
if ($result < $min) {
$min = $result;
echo "{$indent} New minimum f-value found: {$min}\n";
if ($min === PHP_FLOAT_MAX) {
echo "{$indent}No valid neighbors found, backtracking\n";
} else {
echo "{$indent}All neighbors explored, minimum f-value: {$min}\n";
return $min;
* Debug the Simple Hill Climbing algorithm showing decision process
public function debugSimpleHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== Simple Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$totalCost = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
echo "\n----------------------------\n";
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex'));
echo "\nAt vertex: {$currentVertex} (h={$this->heuristics[$currentVertex]})\n";
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
echo "Dead end reached - no neighbors available\n";
return null;
$betterFound = false;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
echo " Skipping {$neighbor}: already visited\n";
$neighborHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
echo " Evaluating {$neighbor}:";
echo "\n Heuristic: {$neighborHeuristic}";
echo "\n Edge cost: {$edgeCost}";
echo "\n Current best: {$currentHeuristic}\n";
if ($neighborHeuristic < $currentHeuristic) {
echo " → Better neighbor found: {$neighbor}\n";
$totalCost += $edgeCost;
$currentVertex = $neighbor;
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $neighbor,
'level' => $this->levels[$neighbor],
'heuristic' => $neighborHeuristic
$betterFound = true;
} else {
echo " → Not better than current state\n";
if (!$betterFound) {
echo "\nLocal maximum reached - no improving neighbors found\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return null;
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return $path;
* Debug the Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing algorithm showing evaluation process
public function debugSteepestAscentHillClimbing(string $start, string $goal): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.");
echo "\n=== Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$currentVertex = $start;
$path = [[
'vertex' => $start,
'level' => $this->levels[$start],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$start]
$visited = [$start => true];
$totalCost = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
while ($currentVertex !== $goal) {
echo "\n----------------------------\n";
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex'));
echo "\nAt vertex: {$currentVertex} (h={$this->heuristics[$currentVertex]})\n";
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
echo "Dead end reached - no neighbors available\n";
return null;
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestImprovement = 0;
$bestCost = 0;
$currentHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex];
echo "\nEvaluating all neighbors:\n";
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
echo " Skipping {$neighbor}: already visited\n";
$neighborHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
$improvement = $currentHeuristic - $neighborHeuristic;
echo " {$neighbor}:";
echo "\n Heuristic: {$neighborHeuristic}";
echo "\n Edge cost: {$edgeCost}";
echo "\n Improvement: {$improvement}\n";
if ($improvement > $bestImprovement) {
$bestImprovement = $improvement;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
$bestCost = $edgeCost;
echo " → New best neighbor!\n";
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
echo "\nLocal maximum reached - no improving neighbors found\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return null;
echo "\nSelected best neighbor: {$bestNeighbor}";
echo "\nImprovement: {$bestImprovement}";
echo "\nEdge cost: {$bestCost}\n";
$totalCost += $bestCost;
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
$visited[$currentVertex] = true;
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: \n" . implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($path, 'vertex'))) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n\n";
return $path;
* Debug output for Stochastic Hill Climbing showing the probabilistic decisions
* made during the search process
public function debugStochasticHillClimbing(?array $searchResult, string $start, string $goal): ?array {
$start = $this->vertexLabels[$start] ?? $start;
$goal = $this->vertexLabels[$goal] ?? $goal;
if ($searchResult === null) {
echo "\n=== Stochastic Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "No path found from {$start} to {$goal}!\n";
return null;
echo "\n=== Stochastic Hill Climbing Debug ===\n";
echo "Path found from {$start} to {$goal}\n";
$totalCost = 0;
$pathLength = count($searchResult);
echo "\nPath sequence analysis:\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $pathLength; $i++) {
$currentNode = $searchResult[$i];
$currentVertex = $currentNode['vertex'];
echo "\nStep {$i}:";
echo "\nCurrent vertex: {$currentVertex}";
echo "\nLevel: {$currentNode['level']}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$currentNode['heuristic']}\n";
// If not the last node, analyze the transition to the next node
if ($i < $pathLength - 1) {
$nextNode = $searchResult[$i + 1];
$nextVertex = $nextNode['vertex'];
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
// Calculate improvements and probabilities for all valid neighbors
$candidates = [];
$totalImprovement = 0;
echo "\nNeighbor analysis:";
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
$neighborHeuristic = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$improvement = $this->heuristics[$currentVertex] - $neighborHeuristic;
if ($improvement > 0) {
$candidates[$neighbor] = $improvement;
$totalImprovement += $improvement;
echo sprintf("\n %s:", $neighbor);
echo sprintf("\n Heuristic: %.2f", $neighborHeuristic);
echo sprintf("\n Improvement: %.2f", $improvement);
if ($improvement > 0) {
echo "\n → Eligible for selection";
} else {
echo "\n → Not eligible (no improvement)";
// Show selection probabilities
if (!empty($candidates)) {
echo "\n\nSelection probabilities:";
foreach ($candidates as $neighbor => $improvement) {
$probability = ($improvement / $totalImprovement) * 100;
echo sprintf("\n %s: %.2f%%", $neighbor, $probability);
if ($neighbor === $nextVertex) {
echo " ← Selected";
// Show transition details
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $nextVertex);
$totalCost += $edgeCost;
echo sprintf("\n\nTransition: %s -> %s", $currentVertex, $nextVertex);
echo sprintf("\nEdge cost: %.2f", $edgeCost);
echo sprintf("\nRunning total cost: %.2f", $totalCost);
echo "\n----------------------------";
echo sprintf("\n\nFinal path: \n%s", implode(" -> ", $this->getSequenceNames(array_column($searchResult, 'vertex'))));
echo sprintf("\nTotal path cost: %.2f\n\n", $totalCost);
return $searchResult;
* Debug output for Greedy Search showing decision process
* and neighbor evaluations at each step
public function debugGreedySearch(string $start, string $goal, $maxSteps = 100): ?array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$start]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$goal])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Both start and goal vertices must exist in the graph.');
echo "\n=== Greedy Search Debug ===\n";
echo "Starting from {$start} to reach {$goal}\n";
$path = [];
$currentVertex = $start;
$totalCost = 0;
$iteration = 0;
echo "\nInitial state:";
echo "\nVertex: {$start}";
echo "\nLevel: {$this->levels[$start]}";
echo "\nHeuristic: {$this->heuristics[$start]}\n";
// Keep going until we reach the goal
$count = 0;
while ($currentVertex !== $goal && $count < $maxSteps) {
echo "\n=== Iteration {$iteration} ===\n";
// Add current vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$currentVertex]
echo "Current path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex')) . "\n";
echo "At vertex: {$currentVertex} (h={$this->heuristics[$currentVertex]})\n";
// Get all neighbors of current vertex
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
if (empty($neighbors)) {
echo "Dead end reached - no neighbors available\n";
return null;
echo "\nEvaluating neighbors:\n";
// Find neighbor with lowest heuristic value
$bestNeighbor = null;
$bestHeuristic = PHP_FLOAT_MAX;
$bestEdgeCost = 0;
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
$h = $this->heuristics[$neighbor];
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($currentVertex, $neighbor);
echo sprintf(" %s:\n", $neighbor);
echo sprintf(" Heuristic: %.2f\n", $h);
echo sprintf(" Edge cost: %.2f\n", $edgeCost);
if ($h < $bestHeuristic) {
$bestHeuristic = $h;
$bestNeighbor = $neighbor;
$bestEdgeCost = $edgeCost;
echo " → New best neighbor!\n";
} else {
echo " → Not better than current best\n";
// If we can't find a better neighbor, we're stuck
if ($bestNeighbor === null) {
echo "\nNo improving neighbor found - search failed\n";
return null;
echo "\nSelected best neighbor: {$bestNeighbor}";
echo "\nHeuristic value: {$bestHeuristic}";
echo "\nEdge cost: {$bestEdgeCost}\n";
// Move to the best neighbor
$totalCost += $bestEdgeCost;
$currentVertex = $bestNeighbor;
// No path found within reasonable time
if ($count >= $maxSteps) {
return null;
// Add the goal vertex to complete the path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $goal,
'level' => $this->levels[$goal],
'heuristic' => $this->heuristics[$goal]
echo "\nGoal reached!\n";
echo "Final path: " . implode(" -> ", array_column($path, 'vertex')) . "\n";
echo "Total cost: {$totalCost}\n";
return $path;
public function searchAnalysis($searchResult, bool $showCost = true): void {
if ($searchResult === null) {
echo "No path found!\n";
$totalCost = 0;
echo "Path sequence:\n";
$pathSequenceNames = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
}, $searchResult);
echo " -> " . implode("\n -> ", $pathSequenceNames) . "\n";
echo "\nPath analysis:\n";
$lastIndex = 0;
$lastVertex = null;
$pathSequence = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
}, $searchResult);
foreach ($pathSequence as $index => $vertex) {
if ($index > 0) {
$prevVertex = $pathSequence[$index - 1];
$cost = $this->getEdgeCost($prevVertex, $vertex);
$totalCost += $cost;
echo sprintf("Step %d: %s (level %d, h=%.1f) -> %s (level %d, h=%.1f): cost: %.1f\n",
$lastVertex = $vertex;
echo sprintf("Step %d: %s (level %d, h=%.1f)\n",
if ($showCost) {
echo sprintf("\nTotal path cost: %.1f\n", $totalCost);
public function getAdjacencyList(): array {
return $this->adjacencyList;
public function printPath(array $path, bool $showCost = true): void {
$totalCost = 0;
$previousVertex = null;
foreach ($path as $step) {
// Get current vertex name depending on path format
$currentVertex = is_array($step) ? $step['vertex'] : $step;
if ($showCost) {
if ($previousVertex !== null) {
$edgeCost = $this->getEdgeCost($previousVertex, $currentVertex);
$totalCost += $edgeCost;
echo sprintf("Edge cost from %s to %s: %.1f\n",
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d, h=%.1f)\n",
$previousVertex = $currentVertex;
if ($showCost) {
echo sprintf("\nTotal path cost: %.1f\n", $totalCost);
public function printGraph(): void {
foreach ($this->adjacencyList as $vertex => $neighbors) {
$costs = array_map(function($neighbor) use ($vertex) {
return sprintf("%s(%.1f)", $neighbor, $this->edgeCosts[$vertex][$neighbor]);
}, $neighbors);
echo sprintf("%s (Level %d, h=%.1f) -> %s\n",
$this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex,
implode(', ', $costs)
* @param array $path
* @return array
protected function getSequenceNames(array $path): array {
$pathSequenceNames = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
}, $path);
return $pathSequenceNames;