Informed (Heuristic) Search

Iterative Deepening A*

The Iterative Deepening A* Algorithm (IDA*) is a heuristic search method that combines the memory efficiency of Depth-First Search (DFS) with the optimal path-finding capabilities of the A* algorithm. It is specifically designed to handle large search spaces while maintaining optimality and completeness. By limiting memory usage, IDA* enables effective exploration of complex networks or trees to find the shortest path from the start state to the goal state.


use app\classes\search\InformedSearchGraph;

// Create the graph and add vertices with their levels
$graph = new InformedSearchGraph();

// Add vertices with their levels and heuristic values
$graph->addVertex('A'07.0);  // Root node at level 0
$graph->addVertex('B'15.0);  // Level 1 nodes
$graph->addVertex('D'210.0); // Level 2 nodes
$graph->addVertex('F'27.0);  // Goal node

// Add edges with their costs
$graph->addEdge('A''B'3.0); // Left branch

$graph->addEdge('A''C'4.0); // Right branch

// Perform IDA* search from S to G
echo "Performing IDA* Search from A to F:\n";

$searchResult $graph->idaStarSearch('A''F');
if (
$searchResult) {
} else {
"No path found!\n";


Starting A* Graph traversal...
Result: Memory: 0.153 Mb Time running: 0.002 sec.
Performing IDA* Search from A to F:

Node: A (Level 0, h=7.0)
Edge cost from A to C: 4.0
Node: C (Level 1, h=10.0)
Edge cost from C to F: 3.0
Node: F (Level 2, h=7.0)

Total path cost: 7.0