Uninformed (Blind) Search
Depth-First Search (DFS)
Depth-First Search (DFS) is a classic algorithm for traversing or searching through tree and graph data structures. As the name suggests, DFS explores as far down a branch as possible before backtracking to examine other paths. This behavior makes DFS particularly useful in scenarios where exploring deep hierarchies or paths is necessary. It relies on a stack data structure — either explicitly (using a manual stack) or implicitly (via recursion) — to manage the nodes being visited.
Example of class UninformedSearchGraph
(with DFS search):
namespace app\classes\search;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SplPriorityQueue;
use SplQueue;
class UninformedSearchGraph {
private array $adjacencyList;
private array $vertexLabels;
private array $levels;
// Store edge weights
private array $weights;
public function __construct() {
$this->adjacencyList = [];
$this->vertexLabels = [];
$this->levels = [];
$this->weights = [];
public function addVertex(string $vertex, int $level = -1, float $heuristic = 0.0, string $label = ''): void {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$vertex])) {
$this->adjacencyList[$vertex] = [];
$this->vertexLabels[$vertex] = $label;
$this->levels[$vertex] = $level;
public function getVertexLabel(string $vertex = ''): string {
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
public function addEdge(string $vertex1, string $vertex2, float $weight = 1.0): void {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$vertex1]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$vertex2])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both vertices must exist in the graph.");
$this->adjacencyList[$vertex2][] = $vertex1;
// For undirected graph
$this->adjacencyList[$vertex1][] = $vertex2;
// Store weights for both directions
$this->weights["$vertex1->$vertex2"] = $weight;
$this->weights["$vertex2->$vertex1"] = $weight;
public function bfs(string $startVertex): array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$startVertex])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Start vertex does not exist in the graph.");
$visited = [];
$queue = new SplQueue();
$path = [];
// Mark the starting vertex as visited and enqueue it
$visited[$startVertex] = true;
while (!$queue->isEmpty()) {
$currentVertex = $queue->dequeue();
// Add vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'visits' => $visited[$currentVertex] ?? 0
// Get all adjacent vertices of the dequeued vertex
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
if (!isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
$visited[$neighbor] = true;
return $path;
public function dfs(string $startVertex, string $target = null): array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$startVertex])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Start vertex does not exist in the graph.");
$visited = [];
$path = [];
// Helper function for recursive DFS
$dfsRecursive = function(string $vertex) use (&$dfsRecursive, &$visited, &$path, $target): bool {
// Mark current vertex as visited
$visited[$vertex] = true;
// Add vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $vertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$vertex]
// If we found the target, stop the search
if ($vertex === $target) {
return true; // Target found
// Visit all adjacent vertices
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$vertex] as $neighbor) {
if (!isset($visited[$neighbor])) {
if ($dfsRecursive($neighbor)) {
return true; // Target found in this path
return false; // Target not found in this path
// Start DFS from the given vertex
return $path;
public function dls(string $startVertex, int $maxDepth, string $target = null, bool $pathOnly = false): array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$startVertex])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Start vertex does not exist in the graph.");
$visited = [];
$path = [];
$found = false;
// Helper function for recursive DLS
$dlsRecursive = function(string $vertex, int $depth) use (&$dlsRecursive, &$visited, &$path, &$found, $maxDepth, $target): void {
// Mark current vertex as visited
$visited[$vertex] = true;
// Add vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $vertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$vertex],
'depth' => $depth
// If we found the target, mark as found
if ($vertex === $target) {
$found = true;
// If we've reached max depth, stop exploring this path
if ($depth >= $maxDepth) {
// Visit all adjacent vertices
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$vertex] as $neighbor) {
if (!isset($visited[$neighbor]) && !$found) {
$dlsRecursive($neighbor, $depth + 1);
// If this path didn't lead to the target and we're backtracking,
// we can optionally remove this vertex from visited to allow it
// to be visited again through a different path
if (!$found) {
// Start DLS from the given vertex at depth 0
$dlsRecursive($startVertex, 0);
if ($pathOnly) {
return $path;
return [
'path' => $path,
'found' => $found,
'maxDepth' => $maxDepth
public function iddfs(string $startVertex, string $target = null, int $maxIterations = 100, bool $pathOnly = false): array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$startVertex])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Start vertex does not exist in the graph.");
$allPaths = [];
$depth = 0;
// Iteratively increase depth until target is found or max depth is reached
while ($depth < $maxIterations) {
$result = $this->dls($startVertex, $depth, $target);
$allPaths[] = [
'depth_limit' => $depth,
'path' => $result['path'],
'found' => $result['found']
// If target is found, return all paths explored
if ($result['found']) {
if ($pathOnly) {
return $allPaths[$depth]['path'];
return [
'success' => true,
'final_depth' => $depth,
'paths' => $allPaths
// If target wasn't found within maxIterations
return [
'success' => false,
'final_depth' => $depth - 1,
'paths' => $allPaths
public function ucs(string $startVertex, string $targetVertex = null, bool $pathOnly = false): array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$startVertex])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Start vertex does not exist in the graph");
$pq = new SplPriorityQueue();
$costs = [$startVertex => 0];
$visited = [];
$previous = [$startVertex => null]; // Track the previous node
$path = [];
$explored = []; // Track all explored nodes
$pq->insert($startVertex, 0);
while (!$pq->isEmpty()) {
$current = $pq->extract();
$currentVertex = $current['data'];
$currentCost = -$current['priority'];
if (isset($visited[$currentVertex])) {
$visited[$currentVertex] = true;
$explored[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'cost' => $currentCost
if ($currentVertex === $targetVertex) {
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
$weight = $this->weights["$currentVertex->$neighbor"] ?? 1.0;
$newCost = $costs[$currentVertex] + $weight;
if (!isset($costs[$neighbor]) || $newCost < $costs[$neighbor]) {
$costs[$neighbor] = $newCost;
$previous[$neighbor] = $currentVertex; // Store the previous node
$pq->insert($neighbor, -$newCost);
// Reconstruct the optimal path
$optimalPath = [];
$current = $targetVertex;
while ($current !== null) {
$optimalPath[] = [
'vertex' => $current,
'level' => $this->levels[$current],
'cost' => $costs[$current]
$current = $previous[$current];
if ($pathOnly){
return array_reverse($optimalPath);
return [
'success' => isset($visited[$targetVertex]),
'explored' => $explored, // All nodes explored during search
'optimalPath' => array_reverse($optimalPath), // The actual optimal path
'cost' => $costs[$targetVertex] ?? INF
public function bds(string $startVertex, string $targetVertex, bool $pathOnly = false): array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$startVertex]) || !isset($this->adjacencyList[$targetVertex])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both start and target vertices must exist in the graph.");
// Initialize forward and backward search queues
$forwardQueue = new SplQueue();
$backwardQueue = new SplQueue();
// Initialize visited sets and parent tracking for both directions
$forwardVisited = [$startVertex => true];
$backwardVisited = [$targetVertex => true];
$forwardParent = [$startVertex => null];
$backwardParent = [$targetVertex => null];
// Initialize path tracking
$forwardPath = [];
$backwardPath = [];
$intersectionVertex = null;
// Add start and target vertices to their respective queues
while (!$forwardQueue->isEmpty() && !$backwardQueue->isEmpty()) {
// Process forward search
$intersectionVertex = $this->processBdsQueue(
if ($intersectionVertex !== null) {
if ($pathOnly) {
return [...$forwardPath, ...$backwardPath];
$result = $this->constructBdsPath(
// Process backward search
$intersectionVertex = $this->processBdsQueue(
if ($intersectionVertex !== null) {
if ($pathOnly) {
return [...$forwardPath, ...$backwardPath];
return $this->constructBdsPath(
// No path found
return [
'success' => false,
'path' => [],
'forwardExplored' => $forwardPath,
'backwardExplored' => $backwardPath
public function rws(string $startVertex, string $targetVertex = null, int $maxSteps = 1000, bool $pathOnly = false): array {
if (!isset($this->adjacencyList[$startVertex])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Start vertex does not exist in the graph.");
$path = [];
$visited = [];
$currentVertex = $startVertex;
$steps = 0;
$found = false;
// Add start vertex to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'step' => $steps
while ($steps < $maxSteps) {
// Check if we've found the target
if ($targetVertex !== null && $currentVertex === $targetVertex) {
$found = true;
// Get neighbors of current vertex
$neighbors = $this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex];
// If no neighbors, break
if (empty($neighbors)) {
// Randomly select next vertex
$nextVertex = $neighbors[array_rand($neighbors)];
// Track visited nodes (optional, can be removed if you want pure random walk)
$visited[$currentVertex] = ($visited[$currentVertex] ?? 0) + 1;
// Add to path
$path[] = [
'vertex' => $nextVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$nextVertex],
'step' => $steps,
'visits' => $visited[$nextVertex] ?? 0
$currentVertex = $nextVertex;
if ($pathOnly) {
return $path;
return [
'success' => $found,
'path' => $path,
'steps' => $steps,
'maxSteps' => $maxSteps,
'visited' => $visited
private function processBdsQueue(
SplQueue $queue,
array &$currentVisited,
array $oppositeVisited,
array &$parentMap,
array &$pathTracking,
string $direction
): ?string {
if ($queue->isEmpty()) {
return null;
$currentVertex = $queue->dequeue();
// Add to path tracking
$pathTracking[] = [
'vertex' => $currentVertex,
'level' => $this->levels[$currentVertex],
'direction' => $direction
// Check neighbors
foreach ($this->adjacencyList[$currentVertex] as $neighbor) {
// If we've found intersection with opposite search
if (isset($oppositeVisited[$neighbor])) {
return $neighbor;
// If not visited in current direction, add to queue
if (!isset($currentVisited[$neighbor])) {
$currentVisited[$neighbor] = true;
$parentMap[$neighbor] = $currentVertex;
return null;
private function constructBdsPath(
string $intersectionVertex,
array $forwardParent,
array $backwardParent,
array $forwardExplored,
array $backwardExplored
): array {
$path = [];
// Construct path from start to intersection
$current = $intersectionVertex;
$forwardPath = [];
while ($current !== null) {
$forwardPath[] = [
'vertex' => $current,
'level' => $this->levels[$current]
$current = $forwardParent[$current] ?? null;
$forwardPath = array_reverse($forwardPath);
// Construct path from intersection to target
$current = $backwardParent[$intersectionVertex] ?? null;
$backwardPath = [];
while ($current !== null) {
$backwardPath[] = [
'vertex' => $current,
'level' => $this->levels[$current]
$current = $backwardParent[$current] ?? null;
// Combine paths
$path = array_merge($forwardPath, $backwardPath);
return [
'success' => true,
'path' => $path,
'forwardExplored' => $forwardExplored,
'backwardExplored' => $backwardExplored,
'intersectionVertex' => $intersectionVertex
// Add this helper method to print BDS results
public function printBdsPath(array $result): void {
if (!$result['success']) {
echo "No path found between vertices!\n";
echo "\nNodes explored from start (forward direction):\n";
foreach ($result['forwardExplored'] as $node) {
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d, Direction: %s)\n",
echo "\nNodes explored from target (backward direction):\n";
foreach ($result['backwardExplored'] as $node) {
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d, Direction: %s)\n",
echo "\nFinal path found (intersection at {$result['intersectionVertex']}):\n";
foreach ($result['path'] as $node) {
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d)\n",
public function getAdjacencyList(): array {
return $this->adjacencyList;
public function printPath(array $path): void {
foreach ($path as $node) {
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d)\n", $node['vertex'], $node['level']);
public function printUcsPath(array $result): void {
if (!$result['success']) {
echo "Target not found!\n";
echo "\nNodes explored during UCS (in order of exploration):\n";
foreach ($result['explored'] as $node) {
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d, Cost %.2f)\n",
echo "\nOptimal path found:\n";
foreach ($result['optimalPath'] as $node) {
echo sprintf("Node: %s (Level %d, Cost %.2f)\n",
echo sprintf("Total Cost: %.2f\n", $result['cost']);
// Add a helper method to print random search results
public function printRwsPath(array $result): void {
echo sprintf("\nRandom Search %s\n",
$result['success'] ? "found target!" : "did not find target."
echo sprintf("Total steps taken: %d/%d\n",
echo "\nPath taken:\n";
foreach ($result['path'] as $node) {
echo sprintf("Step %d: Node %s (Level %d, Visits: %d)\n",
$node['visits'] ?? 0
echo "\nVisit counts:\n";
foreach ($result['visited'] as $vertex => $count) {
echo sprintf("Node %s: visited %d times\n", $vertex, $count);
public function searchAnalysis($searchResult): void {
if ($searchResult === null) {
echo "No path found!\n";
$totalCost = 0;
echo "Path sequence:\n";
$pathSequenceNames = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $this->vertexLabels[$vertex] ?? $vertex;
}, $searchResult);
echo " -> " . implode("\n -> ", $pathSequenceNames) . "\n";
echo "\nPath analysis:\n";
$lastIndex = 0;
$lastVertex = null;
$pathSequence = array_map(function ($node) {
$vertex = $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
return $node['vertex'] ?? $node;
}, $searchResult);
foreach ($pathSequence as $index => $vertex) {
if ($index > 0) {
$prevVertex = $pathSequence[$index - 1];
echo sprintf("Step %d: %s (level %d) -> %s (level %d)\n",
$lastVertex = $vertex;
echo sprintf("Step %d: %s (level %d)\n",
echo sprintf("\n");
// Helper method to print the adjacency list (for debugging)
public function printGraph(): void {
foreach ($this->adjacencyList as $vertex => $neighbors) {
echo sprintf("%s (Level %d) -> %s\n",
implode(', ', $neighbors)