Uninformed (Blind) Search
Depth-First Search (DFS)
Depth-First Search (DFS) is a classic algorithm for traversing or searching through tree and graph data structures. As the name suggests, DFS explores as far down a branch as possible before backtracking to examine other paths. This behavior makes DFS particularly useful in scenarios where exploring deep hierarchies or paths is necessary. It relies on a stack data structure — either explicitly (using a manual stack) or implicitly (via recursion) — to manage the nodes being visited.
Example of use
// Create the graph and add vertices with their levels
use app\classes\search\UninformedSearchGraph;
$graph = new UninformedSearchGraph();
// Add vertices with their levels
$graph->addVertex('S', 0); // Level 0
$graph->addVertex('A', 1); // Level 1
$graph->addVertex('H', 1); // Level 1
$graph->addVertex('B', 2); // Level 2
$graph->addVertex('C', 2); // Level 2
$graph->addVertex('I', 2); // Level 2
$graph->addVertex('J', 2); // Level 2
$graph->addVertex('D', 3); // Level 3
$graph->addVertex('E', 3); // Level 3
$graph->addVertex('K', 3); // Level 3 (First K)
// Add edges according to the tree structure
$graph->addEdge('S', 'A');
$graph->addEdge('S', 'H');
$graph->addEdge('A', 'B');
$graph->addEdge('A', 'C');
$graph->addEdge('B', 'D');
$graph->addEdge('B', 'E');
$graph->addEdge('C', 'K');
$graph->addEdge('H', 'I');
$graph->addEdge('H', 'J');
// Perform DFS starting from 'S' to find 'K'
$searchResult = $graph->dfs('S', 'K');
// Output the DFS traversal
echo "DFS traversal starting from vertex 'S':\n";
echo "--------------------------------------\n\n";
Starting DFS traversal...
Memory: 0.078 Mb
Time running: 0.001 sec.
DFS traversal starting from vertex 'S':
Node: S (Level 0)
Node: A (Level 1)
Node: B (Level 2)
Node: D (Level 3)
Node: E (Level 3)
Node: C (Level 2)
Node: K (Level 3)